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Unclaimed Profiles
Computer / Tech Services, I T Service Provider, Search Engine Optimization / SEO, Web Designer
18 The Ave , Northamptonshire NN1 5BT United Kingdom
P: +44(0)207 193 2755   Website:  Click Here

About Us

Here's why we do what we do - why the puresilva website template was developed and how it's been shaped. 

The end-user experience

When someone visits a website using the puresilva template, the design goals are to:-
  • ensure that site navigation is simple and intuitive
  • ensure content should be easy to read (e.g. no tiny fonts, good contrast), and the design shouldn't compete with the content for attention
  • never burden the user with unnecessary things like asking them to register (we've never asked for a fax number in over 10 years!)
  • ensure performing tasks (e.g. checking out) is intuitive and doesn't need explaining
  • keep content high up so the start of the page content is likely to be above the "fold" even on low-res screens.
  • avoid crowding - allow for plenty of white space around each element
  • ensure fast loading pages using caching and dedicated servers
  • ensure for a TRULY painless experience on a small screen device (it's not a given that your site is actually easy to use on a mobile even if it is technically responsive to small screens)
  • ...in general to create a pleasant experience that allows the user to do what they want to do as quickly as possible and without frustration; the design should be easy on the eye without being distracting. For the vast majority of SME business websites, users primarily care about content and the speed and ease in which they can access that content. Everything - including the aesthetics - is secondary

The website owner experience

Our connection to our customers should be like a business support role. It's not enough just to develop a site and host it. We need to be thinking about ways to constantly improve their site via updates. Owners should feel:-
  • autonomous; they can do what they like with their site's content or even ultimately hosting. They take 100% earnings from any sales made from their site, and they can sell their site if they want and take 100% of the sale price. It's their site and we offer a support role for them
  • reassured that their site is being well looked-after. Regular (automatic) updates ensure their site is receiving new features and any bugs are quickly patched on their site via updates. There are never two-tier systems where people must pay extra for updates - EVERYONE receives updates (apart from the tiny minority of sites that are bespoke)
  • they are being looked after by enthusiastic, motivated end-developers, not middlemen or "quasi-developers". We have entirely designed and developed (and continue to develop) their websites, as well as manage the dedicated servers they are hosted on. Nothing is outsourced.
  • they are getting good value for money. When we can make savings (with not just money, but TIME), we pass them on to our customers. Our prices have DROPPED continuously since 2004. While that may sound like bad business to some, it's helped strengthen our own business and almost all new business comes through word of mouth now - a classic "win win".
  • that they can grow their business with the template without incurring extra costs. There's no tiered pricing based on bandwidth or hard-disk usage - one price only
  • that their site is highly optimised (and continually being optimised) toward achieving end-goals - making sales, sign-ups, whatever the goal(s) may be.

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