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About Us


Anyone running a small business will know the feeling. Your gut tells you something and you don’t have a research department to check it out. So, you just do it.

And as founders of Bizitalk, we’re very glad we did. After 12 months of launching the hashtag #bizitalk on Twitter it had over 35,000 followers and was trending regularly in the UK. A message using the hashtag can reach over 4 million people per day with over 40 milliontimeline deliveries bringing together businesses from across the globe.

Following on from the massive impact of the hashtag comes this web service which is building a community for small businesses. It’s a unique proposition. You can use it for free but when you become a paying member you become a shareholder in the site and you even get to promote any goods you may have to sell through it too.

We believe it’s the only community run for small businesses by the member small businesses that own it.

Join the “Doers”

The hashtag #bizitalk has demonstrated the need for small businesses to have a community to share experiences and support one another in the same way as large companies have established expensive clubs.

If you’re fed up with headlines being written about people who have stepped into jobs at huge enterprises by people who’ve never set up a single business in their own name – then you’ve come to the right place.

Bizitalk is for people who do business day in and day out and want a community built around them and owned by them.

Bizitalk is for the doers who want to be part of a community website together with other like-minded doers.

Get support and earn sales

The first thing anyone who conducts business online knows is that getting reach and getting noticed are essential, and they don’t always go together.

The internet provides access to millions of potential customers but, then, it does this for every other small business too. Exposure to new customers and suppliers is the key and what better way than a community-led small business web service which reaches millions of like-minded entrepreneurs?

This is why the site backs up the free forums, discussions and groups with a shop front for every company which becomes a Business Member.

It’s just like real life

In real life you can talk about business with people you often end up doing business with. Bizitalk is exactly the same, only it comes with the benefit that if you take part and become a paying Business Member, you become a co-owner of the site.

What’s not to like? 

benefits of joining…?

Bizitalk has 3 Reviews

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  Public Rating
Best Decision

7/3/2014 1:55:52 PM
Signing up with Bizitalk has been the best business decision we have made this week. Knowing what I know now after just one day of signing up with them, even without the 90 promotion they offer Bizratings would happily sign up for their paid service. We would like to give a genuine thank you for the service we have seen thus far from Bizitalk, highly recommend for any companies looking for easy to use and far reaching advertising #bizitalk
  Public Rating
They know how to tweet

7/3/2014 8:43:32 PM
I am extremely happy at the attention that I have received from bizitalk tweets. We have gotten several followers and retweets since using this service. Awesome job!
  Public Rating
Interesting Concept

7/15/2014 6:48:49 PM
My interns starting using "Bizitalk" on my companies twitter page to promote for me... they explained it to me and showed me how it helps reach people on twitter. Very Interesting and cost effective. After seeing my amount of site traffic increase, can't deny that it works