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295 Madison Avenue Manhattan New York, New York 10017 United States
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About Us

K Road Power is an independent power producer that develops, owns and operates utility-scale renewable energy projects with a focus on building photovoltaic solar facilities to generate clean and reliable energy.

K Road Power’s predecessor company was founded in 2002 as a vehicle to help recapitalize and restructure troubled US power companies following the power market crash of 2001, K Road affiliates oversaw the purchase of nearly 3,000 MW of natural gas and oil fired generating capacity. In 2008 the company turned its sights exclusively to the renewable power sector and power infrastructure related to building a clean, sustainable energy future for the United States.

In August of 2011, Barclays Natural Resource Investments ("BNRI"), a division of Barclays Capital focused on natural resource investment opportunities, made a significant investment in K Road. With the support of a strong financial partner, K Road is well positioned to pursue an advanced pipeline of high-viability development projects and acquisitions.

Today, the firm has nine fully permitted utility scale power projects in four regions around the United States totaling over 900 MWs, of these 25 MWs are in operation, 320 MWs are entering the construction phase and expected to be completed by the end of 2013 and the balance is completing final stages of development. In addition, the firm has a large number of prospective projects at various stages of development, totaling an additional 2,000 MWs.

Headquartered in New York City, K Road has offices in San Francisco and Shanghai.

K Road promotes sustainable, renewable energy development and the principles of environmental and social responsibility with a focus on the creation of long-term shareholder value.

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