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Weddings / Parties, Reception Halls, Wedding Planning, Travel / Lodging, Resorts
1010 Kingsmill Rd Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 United States
P: (800) 832-5665   Website:  Click Here

About Us

Situated along the picturesque James River, Kingsmill offers the ultimate getaway experience. Indulge in the resort’s five restaurants, spend a day out on the golf course, and let your tensions unwind as you treat yourself to decadent spa services.
Company Overview
Steeped in a tradition of gracious Southern hospitality, Kingsmill Resort heralds a rich history dating back to Colonial America. The bucolic land along the banks of the mighty James River was considered as a permanent base when encountered by the English May 12, 1607. They decided to settle at Jamestown the next day. Situated in the heart of Virginia’s Historic Triangle, it should come as no surprise that the land now known as Kingsmill featured a bustling Virginia plantation from 1619 through the 1800s.

Today, the resort retains those magnificent traits inherent in Kingsmill’s early days with grand accommodations, gracious hospitality and stately service.

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